Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Have a Seat

Through the years, I have found that most of my mama clients feel that the only time that they have to themselves is when they are in the bathroom. While you are in there hiding out, why not use this time to sneak in some exercise?

One client of mine likes to brush her teeth while doing wall sit, and I think this is a great idea.

To do wall sit:
-Find a free piece of wall
-Sit against the wall as though you are a chair. Your feet are hip width apart. Your knees are directly over your ankles. Your hips are in line with you knees. Engage your abdominal muscles. The shoulders are rolled back and relaxed (not up by your ears).

The wall sit strengthens your abs and your quads (front of thigh). Practice this until you are able to hold this position for the entire 2 minutes that you are brushing your teeth.

Now, you can strengthen your abs and legs while cleaning your teeth!

1 comment:

Allison said...

that's a wonderful idea. as painful as wall sit is... ;)