Friday, July 4, 2008

Mint Ice Cream Smoothie

-1 whole avacado
-1/2 cup almond milk
-1/2 cup coconunt milk
-1/4 cup raw cacao nibs
-2 pinch stevia or 2 TBSP agave or raw honey
-1 handful spearmint leaves
-3 cups filtered water

Mix in blender.

Sources: Adapted from The Ultimate Smoothie Book by Cherie Calbom and Superfood Smoothies by Mike Adams and Kimberly Rush-Lynch of Cultivating Health.

Devra is Continuing to Lose

Devra is working out solo this week. But she is working hard and continuing to lose and work towards her goals.

She learned a great new exercise called "Wall Ball" on Tuesday. She is also getting better at her lunges. She also did jump rope this week and realized that it is a lot harder now than it used to be as a kid. :) But it is a great way to add cardio intervals to your workout.

Next week, the girls prepare for their trip and will learn exercises that they can do anywhere!