Thursday, June 26, 2008

Loser Mom's Workout

Sarah is getting very strong! On Tuesday, she learned how to do hyperextensions which are great for strengthening the lower back. When most people think of the core, they think of the abdominal muscles only. But the muscles of the lower back help to comprise the core as well, and it is very important to make sure that these muscles are strong.

She is doing kettlebell squats instead of squats using the ball. That shows how strong she is getting!

Sarah also learned how to do dips on Tuesday, which strengthen the triceps. It is a great body-weight exercise.

I am looking forward to our workout today!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Workout #3 for Loser Mom

Sarah worked out solo again on Thursday (June 5). She is doing a really good job and is really starting to get the hang of the exercises. Her muscle memory is really developing!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Spring Cleaning: An Adventure in Detoxing

My client, Jenny, began her detox program last Friday. Follow her progress and help cheer her on at the Fit in DC Fitness Blog!

Workout #2 for Loser Mom

Well, it seems like one Loser Mom (Sarah) is working hard and forging ahead, while Devra networks and sips martinis with famous people in NY. :)

In today's workout, Sarah learned how to do lunges. She also learned that jumping jacks are a lot harder in your 30s than in your 10s. But they are a great way to get your heart rate up.

She has been walking a lot and is wearing a pedometer.

Workout #3 is on Thursday!