Monday, June 8, 2009

A Simple Exercise for Pregnancy and Delivery (Part 2)

Another great exercise that is good during your pregnancy and also prepares you for labor and delivery is hip circles. In class, we do this on the ball, but you can also do this standing.

To do hip circles on the ball:
-Sit tall on the stability ball with your shoulder blades back and down, abs engaged and the top of your head towards the ceiling. Your feet are hip width apart (or a little wider).
-Without moving your upper body, begin to move your hips clockwise in a circular motion. Start by making small circles, with each one getting a little bigger.
-Once you have made the biggest circle you can, begin to move your hips counter clockwise in a circular motion. Start with making the biggest circle you can, with each one getting a little smaller.

Click here for a video demonstration (towards the end of the video).

This exercise can be done every day to start to prepare your hips for delivery. In my classes and during personal training, we do this exercise as a "break" between other strength exercises. This may not seem like much of an exercise in early pregnancy, but you will be happy that you did it during delivery. This can also be done during labor as a comfort technique.

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