Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Loser Moms are back at it!

The Loser Moms are back from the Blogher Conference in California and are ready to get back to their fitness routine.

Since it is a relatively nice day for August in DC, we worked out on the deck at City Fitness. The workout conisisted of a circuit of the following exercises:
-Wall Ball using a 6 pound ball (This was Sarah's first time doing wall ball)
-Rows using the TRX
-Hyperextensions on the ball
-Shuttle Run
-Crunches with the ab mat

Each exercise was done for one minute per round for three rounds with a one minute break between rounds.

They warmed up on the treadmill then did two sets up plank (Sarah did her first full minute of plank today! Yea!) and bridge. They cooled down with obliques and stretching.

Did I mention that Devra finally wore a pair of real tennis shoes that belong to her? I was so happy!

Now it is time to set new fitness goals!

Thanks to Jake Renner for his filming skills!

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