Thursday, April 24, 2008

10 Amazing Benefits of Prenatal Bellydance

The Hot Mama Fitness Studio will offer BirthDiva Pre-Natal Bellydance starting in June. Why would you want to bellydance during your pregnancy? Our instructor, Shayla, tells us why:

1. Bellydancing makes moms feel great about their bodies. You will learn to appreciate your curves and build your self-esteem.
2. Bellydancing can improve your flexibility.
3. Bellydancing can help ease the discomforts of pregnancy and labor.
4. Bellydancing can give you the endurance that you need for labor.
5. Bellydancing can tone and strengthen your leg muscles to prevent fatigue in while pushing.
6. Bellydancing can help encourage your baby to descend in labor.
7. Bellydancing is the perfect way to tap into your feminine energy.
8. Bellydancing can improve your core strength which will increase your balance.
9. Bellydancing can calm an active baby in the womb.
10. Bellydancing is FUN!

Sign up for classes now at We will see you at class!

Shaylah is a mother of four and the owner of BirthDiva, LLC. She offers natural childbirth classes (Bradley Method®), birth and postpartum doula services, and prenatal bellydance classes in the DC metropolitan areas. She can be reached at or 202-271-3240 .

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vionna’s Top Ten Reasons to Exercise During Your Pregnancy

1) You will lower your risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension and gestational diabetes.

2) You will increase your upper body strength so you will be able to carry the baby, the car seat, the stroller, that cute baby bag your best friend bought you……

3) You are less likely to experience urinary incontinence and abdominal separation.

4) Exercise helps to reduce many of the discomforts of pregnancy including cramps, back pain, fatigue, nausea, varicose veins, swelling, and cramping.

5) Maternal weight gain and fat accumulation is reduced.

6) You can continue to improve your cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance.

7) Your energy levels will be much higher than non-exercising expectant mothers.

8) You will be able to maintain good posture and a positive body image.

9) You can meet other expectant mothers in pre-natal fitness classes.

10) You are likely to have an easier, shorter and less complicated

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